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Singer and actress Kelly Khumalo cannot hide it, cupid hit her heart and will not give up on love.

The 30 year old who has a child with Orlando Pirates goalkeeper Senzo Meyiwa can’t deny that she is happy in the arms of a married man.

Just four days ago she shared a selfie with Meyiwa titled” ‘perfect Sunday’ looking more content with no worries.

Commenting on her own picture directing the message to her rival turned friend Khanyi Mbau she said true love always finds its way!

“We only see the beauty of it, when we listen to our hearts and let the rest fall into place. One thing about true love it always finds its way.”

Does this mean Meyiwa’s infidelity has officially given birth to new found love while his Mandisa deals with the pain of a wrecked home?

Despites being called names like ‘homewrecker’ and having to deal with Meyiwa’s back and forth between her and Mandisa, she has managed to keep the faith that things will work out.

Recently it was reported that Kelly made a visit to the soccer star’s home in KZN only to receive a cold welcome from his family.

With all the negativity around their relationship, she continues to believe in love and keeps going with the father of her child.


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