There are two movements happening on social media that have left some people a little uncomfortable, disgusted and in disbelief.

The movements are not in any way new, they’ve been popping up in our time lines for a while now.

Some women have opted to not shave their armpits and take it a step further by coloring their underarm hair. The #NoShaveNoShade movement is slowly gaining momentum.

There is even an Instagram page titled NoShaveNoShade and the bio states that the movement is;

"breaking barriers, crushing patriarchal standards, and looking hot as f**k while doing so"

There are pictures of women with hairy coloured armpits and one picture with the words written on the uploaders arm that “girls grow body hair”

The movement is said to be challenging women to embrace their body hair and show it off. 

Another movement which has made a lot of people uncomfortable is the #FreeBleeding movement. This movement is started with a very radical feminist set. Basically the women no longer use feminine hygiene products during their monthly menstrual cycle hence the FreeBleeding hashtag. 

The movement has an Instagram, Twitter and Facebook profile. On their profile they state that women should stop “raping themselves with man made inventions like tampons.”

“Stop raping yourself with male inventions like tampons. We need not hide our menstruation so as to not offend society with our femininity! BLEED FREE!”

Some of these women are also allegedly using their menstrual blood in food, in artwork and other things. 

Here is a post from the Free Bleeding Facebook page of a woman who is practicing free bleeding:

“I started practicing free bleeding for a number of reasons, primary among which was to be cleaner and MORE sanitary in my menstrual bleeding management techniques. My practice of free bleeding is in conjunction with a practice I call 'nesting'. What this means is, that on the days when I am bleeding more heavily (the first and second day), when I am in far too much pain and discomfort to do anything or even walk about straight, I sit or lay down in a comfortable position and private place, without using any devices internally or even a pad - as I wear nothing on my body waist down. The reason is because even the weight of clothing or the elastic of underwear is too painful when the body is so much in pain and sensitive. I bleed upon soft and comfortable absorbent textiles that I lay upon, and my bedding and furniture is protected with waterproof layers beneath. I use tissue paper if required to wipe myself or catch any clots and dispose of it in the bin immediately.

This practice is no less sanitary than any woman who uses pads for example, but maybe leaks through and stains bedding or a mattress by accident. A few patches of dried menstrual blood on the sheets or even the mattress is a common reality for almost all women, and it is not such a bio hazard that human beings are commonly catching deathly disease from it.”

Free bleeding is not new though, many companies over the years have tried to capitalize on this movement. It is no secret that some feminine hygiene products are uncomfortable for some women.

So period panties were made where woman are supposed to free bleed into them but these haven’t really caught on. Most women that have tried them go back to the traditional forms of protection during their menstrual cycle.


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