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It's very difficult to keep track of news amongst hundreds of headlines a day. So we will pick out the top 5 trending news a week in highlights for you to follow. (8-13 Sep 2014)

1) Breast cancer is not linked to your bra: study

"There have been some concerns that one of the reasons why breast cancer may be more common in developed countries compared with developing countries is differences in bra-wearing patterns," said one investigator. "Given how common bra wearing is, we thought this was an important question to address." READ MORE


2) God particle could wipe out the universe: Stephen Hawking

English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking says that he perceives a threat that might put an end to the whole Universe. READ MORE


3) ' UN-funded African troops rapes vulnerable Somalis'

"Some of the women who were raped said that the soldiers gave them food or money afterwards in an apparent attempt to frame the assault as transactional sex," the HRW report said. READ MORE


4) Spy tapes: Enough evidence to prosecute, says Zille

There was "sufficient evidence" on the so-called spy tapes for a review application of the decision to withdraw corruption charges against President Jacob Zuma, DA leader Helen Zille said.


5) A good week for SA music

This agreement will ensure that needletime rights royalties are finally distributed to deserving record companies and recording artists while  the “Village Pope” was among the 10 recipients honoured during the 5th Annual Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Honours on Saturday night at Montecasino in Fourways. READ MORE

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