When you read at home with your children you are building a foundation that will help them throughout their lives. Here are suggestions to get you started:

When you read at home with your children you are building a foundation that will help them throughout their lives. Here are suggestions to get you started:

l Pick books that have pictures and bright or high-contrast colours;

l Cuddle up to your children, sit them on your lap or by your side so that they feel close to you and comfortable;

l Once your child is old enough to choose, let them pick which books to read, even if it is the same book all the time. A familiar book makes them feel secure;

l Leave books where children can reach them;

l If you read, it will set the example to your child that reading is enjoyable and important;

l Read aloud during everyday activities; like a recipe, instructions for a game or when reading a comic strip;

l Continue to read no matter how old your children are. It not only gives you time to share with them, it also models correct-reading style and how to use your voice. Let them read to you too;

l Include the entire family when you read.

l Make reading fun. Use funny voices and gestures to bring the characters in a book to life; and

l Schedule time for family reading every day. Children love routine. - Teaching Children To Read

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