I suppose it's quite appropriate that Charles Cilliers' For Whites Only should land on my desk for a review since the book is primarily aimed at a white audience.

I suppose it's quite appropriate that Charles Cilliers' For Whites Only should land on my desk for a review since the book is primarily aimed at a white audience.

It is a powerful attempt to shake whites from the complacency they live in and to make them realise just what could have happened post-1994 if not for a number of influential figures.

Pulling no punches, Cilliers, 29, has obviously done enormous research to come up with a book that will no doubt be hailed by some and dismissed by others.

I can imagine a number of whites will slam it as the ramblings of a troubled, guilt-ridden liberal trying to make up for the prejudices of his parents. Others will claim it was long overdue.

Perhaps one of the reasons For Whites Only didn't sit easy with me is the number of truths it rams home - and as we all know the truth often hurts.

The book takes a look at everything - from the AWB to black economic empowerment; from who arrived in the country first to how he sees our future, all the time shooting from the hip and calling it as he sees it.

He writes: "Perhaps there is another reason why whites do not express true shame at the injustices against blacks, because if we did we would be forced to review some of the prejudices we continue to perpetuate against blacks today." Ouch!

Cilliers has said he would be happy if the book gets only a handful of whites to re-examine their lives and be truthful with themselves in how they have, and continue, to treat people of a different race. In that respect he will undoubtedly succeed.

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