Everyone should own a piece of land for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Everyone should own a piece of land for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

During the apartheid era, many people lost their lives in the fight to liberate this country and to own land.

Now, 13 years into democracy, the black majority still has no land to farm or to build houses on, and this makes me believe that the fight for liberation was not worth it.

We have compromised a lot by drafting a constitution which would embrace everyone so that black people are not perceived to be racist.

But this has made it difficult for us to acquire land.

I believe that people are naturally attached to the land of their birth, but this attachment becomes meaningless when one has no ownership.

All the people living in this country must have ownership of the land.

The black majority are landless. The greater percentage of non-agricultural and agricultural land is still controlled by the white minority.

Land reform is failing the black majority because it is charted in a way that serves the interest of the so-called investors and those who have control of the land.

Thus the government is locked in fruitless negotiations with farmers who do not acknowledge the importance of land reform.

This is disturbing because South Africa is a country with a black majority, and we should be in control of the land.

Katlego Phago


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