A simple medical imperative requires more blacks to donate organs to save their compatriots' lives: most recipients are black.

A simple medical imperative requires more blacks to donate organs to save their compatriots' lives: most recipients are black.

Whites and coloured are now the main donors. But they are the least likely close genetic matches with recipients. And the human body will reject organs that are not close genetic matches.

Politics, culture and religion should play no part in this equation.

All thanks and respect are due to organ donors whoever they might be and whatever their motives. But almost all the kidney patients wasting away in South Africa as they await an organ are blacks.

High blood pressure and diabetes are the main causes of kidney failure. These diseases are ravaging black communities and a transplant is the only way to restore the health of someone whose kidney has failed.

Our report yesterday showed that religious and cultural reasons are often mere excuses for not donating kidneys to save the lives of relatives, friends and compatriots. We can no longer shelter behind these excuses as thousands of our countrymen die agonising deaths.

Only a charlatan would hold that the heroic warriors in our history are not among the most revered of our ancestors, whatever the condition of their bodies in death.

Now is the time for all of us to give the greatest gift of all - life. Show your love and sign up today as a donor

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