Survey suggests that South Africans are taking photo and videographs of themselves during sexual intercourse.

A major survey by, the world's largest extra-marital dating site, has revealed that a surprising number of SA men and women are increasingly taking "sex selfies" and watching porn more often.

People across the globe found "sex selfies" - filming or sex photography are a widespread practice, however our‘conservative’ South Africans are way up their with our global counter-parts.

According to the report, of the nearly 2000 South African respondents, 71% of men and 66% of women have taken a "sex selfie" with their affair partner, compared with only 19% and 24% respectively with their spouse, and more than half of both sexes have taken ‘solo’ sex selfies.

The report also revealed very interesting findings around the consumption of
porn, revealing that it plays a far large role in sexual liberation, with more than 82% of females and 71% of males admitting to watching porn with their affair partners, compared to only 21% and 32% respectively with their spouses.

Whether male or female, this survey proves that we are creative and dynamic sexual beings. In what will surprise many, this survey highlights that women are as interested in sex through technology as men.


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