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Butt implants are becoming very popular around the world and those who cannot afford them are opting for padded underwear to give them that ‘bootyliscious’ look.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) Brazilian butt lifts went up by 16% from the 10,000 buttock procedures which were performed in the U.S in 2013.

One way of performing such a procedure involves taking fat from one part of the body and injecting into the posterior to give it a more ‘defined’ or sexy look.

However some people opt for butt implants where a silicone implant is inserted under or above the muscle in the buttock.

According to a local website, First Health Finance, which offers funding for plastic surgery, the results of the buttock lift can last up to ten years depending on how the patient ages and weight gain or weight loss.

These procedures however can be a bit pricey and not everyone can afford them….so those who cannot afford, make a plan.

Some women have decided to rather buy padded underwear to improve their body shapes.

These products have become widely popular on websites such as Amazon and those who use them swear by them.

"This product has done wonders for my confidence. Everywhere I go, men cannot resist me. I am very beautiful but I was cursed with a flat behind. The artificial bums are just what I needed to complete myself," one woman reportedly told the bulawayo24.com.

Although the underwear is doing wonders for women’s self confidence, men are not so impressed by this and have gone as far as accusing these women of ‘false advertising’.

What are your thoughts on breast and butt implants?

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