JELLYFISH are sea dwelling creatures and there are more than 1500 species of jellyfish in the waters on earth.

They can be found from close to the surface of the water to as far down as the bottom of the deep blue sea.

Jellyfish also vary greatly in size, ranging from as small as an adult's pinkie fingernail to the size of a washing machine or two.

These marine creatures do not have spines and their bodies are oxygenated by the process of diffusion because they have no respiratory system.

Most jellyfish are incapable of swimming, relying on the current to steer them.

Jellyfish are either males or females and both males and females release eggs and sperm into the waters around them where the eggs, which are unprotected, will be fertilised and grow into new organisms.

The lifespan of a jellyfish can range from as little as a few hours to an average of six months. -

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